5118 Hartman Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska. 68104

Announcement Requests
Submit your announcement request to be read the next worship service.


eGiving (electronic online giving) is a safe and secure electronic funds transfer process that allows you to give back a portion of your earnings and a reflection of your love for God.

This process allows you to make a one time or a recurring offering with a credit / debit card or checking account. Online Giving helps individuals and families remain faithful in their giving even when they are out of town or unable to attend a weekend service.

The Bible states in 2 Corinthians 9:7,

“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity, for God loveth a cheerful giver”.

If you have more specific questions on this process, please contact our church treasurer: treasurer@northomahacoc.org


Membership Directory
Please browse our Membership Directory to obtain contact information for North Omaha Church of Christ members.


Membership Reports
Please browse our Membership Reports to obtain archive copies of monthly business meeting minutes and financial reports for North Omaha Church of Christ.


Prayer Requests
Submit your prayer request to be read the next worship service.


Service Assignments
Please review our monthly worship service or support service assignments.


Member Email List

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